Children are blessings

God made them to bless others too.

So they naturally turn away from being becoming selfish when they know this is their purpose.

It means that God looks after them all the time,  keeping them safe and happy.

Here’s an example of replacing a false concept of a child that healed an awkward situation before leaving the house to go to school.

Early morning play time. A gran’s prayerful experience!


Hal a young friend of my seven year old grandson was dropped off to be taken to school by his mum whose work starts very early.  I went up beforehand and pulled the blind up and made Zac’s room look inviting. This time gives him nearly an hour to play at our house but this morning he refused to join in the painting going on, but he said “I don’t ‘do’ art” and disappeared upstairs to play darts. Zac’s Mum  thought is was that being scientifically and mathematically inclined he felt unsure of expressing himself this way. While discussing how wrong it was that he should limit his focus.  I immediately thought “ That’s impossible as he’s a ray of light and is part of the broad spectrum of light, he’s got a place in every experience God gives him”.

Soon a head popped round the corner where we were and Zac was painting and I got a smile back as he looked into the room so I said “How about playing some chess with me?”  His face lit up and we got the pieces out and discussed how they moved on the board…. he hadn’t played before and Zac soon joined in the conversation and left off doing his painting.

He learnt a lot from Zac and they had a happy time…. I think he wanted to learn Chess as there is a club at school and felt that he could be a part of it, if he learnt how to play!

The lie, or error, that tells them they have to work hard and compete with others is refuted when we see that as rays of light being one with the Sun so God and they are one in being is refuted when we see that rays of light can’t be outshone, or put down by another ray.  A ray cannot be turned back or hurt or feel no good

I would love to write a story about children’s innocence and safety as rays of light. They get up in the morning and go about their day being happy brightening up everything they do.  Even when the sun’s not shining a ray of light is still useful. 

Perhaps you can make up this story for your child when the need arises as it’s a description of them being a ray of light that can happen any time when you, as a parent, or even you yourself, feel the need for seeing God’s reflection everywhere.


The Ten Commandments
The Lord's Prayer
and The Beatitudes


help to heal the world?

Children do healing work very easily as they understand that they can dismiss evil intentions when they crop up. 


Children often show how their trust of God can draw others even adults into divine Love’s care. It’s intuitive. Once children know Bible stories that illustrate the power of God,  they apply it to other things, for their own benefit.  they can see how it’s impossible for an all good God to create people who can get sick and this ray of the light of Truth is felt by others and cures them.

There’s the instance of healing [see Journal no. 16], when a 7 year old told her Sunday School teacher who was sitting with her head in her hands, "God loves you”!

Bounding off, she felt it was sorted and expected everything to be taken care of. Carol’s headache vanished immediately. So by turning to God, children relate to Jesus’ healing gift and find that their faith can heal.

Mary Baker Eddy healed when she was a child; it was well known that she had a healing thought and people came to her and even brought their animals to be healed by her too. 

When children have been taught that God is all-in-all, they see how to use the scientific statement of being for every emergency. 

The scientific statement of being gives them a feeling of safety and dominion.

Question. — What is the scientific statement of being?

Answer. — There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.

— Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures 468: 8-15

The scientific statement of being gives them a feeling of safety and dominion.

Grown ups tend to bring fear to situations which aggravate conditions. There was a Grandmother in the tropics, who realised this when she saw her granddaughter sitting on a step eating out of cereal bowl which had attracted the attention of a snake. It slid up and sipped out of the bowl. The child was fascinated but loving her food she told it not to be greedy. "One for you and one for me” she instructed and the snake waited while she had some too. When the bowl was empty the snake merely slid back under the house and the grandmother rejoiced in the child’s simple knowledge of divine Love of the ability to share which was more powerful than thoughts of incomparability and consequent danger.

So if children can adore God’s goodness it can take care of so many things. Their understanding of the innate integrity of God’s universe allows that integrity have free reign.